Understand Core Technology behind SuiteScript 2.0
As a netsuite solution provider we want to share, The core of SuiteScript 2.0 came from the RequireJs
and CommonJs background. RequireJS
is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but
it can be used in other JavaScript environment. Using a modular script loader
like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.
Commonjs defines a
module format. Unfortunately, it was defined without giving browsers equal
footing to other JavaScript environments. Because of that, there are CommonJS
specification proposals for Transport formats and
an asynchronous require. In NetSuite Customization and netsuite implementation RequireJS tries to
keep with the spirit of CommonJS, with using string names to refer to
dependencies, and to avoid modules defining global objects, but still allow
coding a module format that works well natively in the browser. RequireJS
implements the Asynchronous Module Definition (formerly Transport/C)
Define a Module
A module is different from a
traditional script file in that it defines a well-scoped object that avoids
polluting the global namespace. It can explicitly list its dependencies and get
a handle on those dependencies without needing to refer to global objects, but
instead receive the dependencies as arguments to the function that defines the
module. Modules in RequireJS are an extension of the Module Pattern, with
the benefit of not needing globals to refer to other modules.
The RequireJS syntax for modules
allows them to be loaded as fast as possible, even out of order, but evaluated
in the correct dependency order, and since global variables are not created, it
makes it possible to load multiple versions of a module in a page.
If you have
modules that are in the traditional CommonJS module format, then you can easily
convert them to work with RequireJS. While testing our code in debugger we
noticed that we need to use require to
debug the code or debugging while in console we use require function to load firstly.
Example from requirejs org : The code is
similar as we used to write in NetSuite Suite Scripting.
Definition Functions with Dependencies
Definition Functions with Dependencies
If the module has
dependencies, the first argument should be an array of dependency names, and
the second argument should be a definition function. The function will be
called to define the module once all dependencies have loaded. The function
should return an object that defines the module. The dependencies will be
passed to the definition function as function arguments, listed in the same
order as the order in the dependency array:
now has some dependencies, a cart and inventory
in the same directory as shirt.js
define(["./cart", "./inventory"], function(cart, inventory) {
//return an object to define the "my/shirt" module.
return {
color: "blue",
size: "large",
addToCart: function() {
Modules do
not have to return objects. Any valid return value from a function is allowed.
Here is a module that returns a function as its module definition:
//A module definition inside foo/title.js. It uses
//my/cart and my/inventory modules from before,
//but since foo/title.js is in a different directory than
//the "my" modules, it uses the "my" in the module dependency
//name to find them. The "my" part of the name can be mapped
//to any directory, but by default, it is assumed to be a
//sibling to the "foo" directory.
function(cart, inventory) {
//return a function to define "foo/title".
//It gets or sets the window title.
function(title) {
title ? (window.title = title) :
inventory.storeName +
' '+ cart.name;
You may
encounter some define() calls that include a name for the module as the first
argument to define():
//Explicitly defines the "foo/title" module:
function(cart, inventory) {
//Define foo/title object in here.
In the above
example, a my/shirt module is created. It depends on my/cart and my/inventory.
On disk, the files are structured like this:
ReqireJS, CommonJS
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