Understand Core Technology behind SuiteScript 2.0
As a netsuite solution provider we want to share, The core of SuiteScript 2.0 came from the RequireJs and CommonJs background. RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environment. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code. Commonjs defines a module format. Unfortunately, it was defined without giving browsers equal footing to other JavaScript environments. Because of that, there are CommonJS specification proposals for Transport formats and an asynchronous require. In NetSuite Customization and netsuite implementation RequireJS tries to keep with the spirit of CommonJS, with using string names to refer to dependencies, and to avoid modules defining global objects, but still allow coding a module format that works well natively in the browser. RequireJS implements the Asynchronous Module Definition (formerly Transport/C) proposal. D